Hoodies are here!

On January 8th, the senior hoodies were delivered and on January 9th, the seniors got to wear them.

The Seniors wearing their hoodies (Photo credits: Nathan Omprasadham)

Many teachers and the rest of the school came around asking who designed them and it was nice to get some recognition. Many of the seniors now walk around wearing them with their personalized names on the back.

the designer modeling the back of the hoodie (Photo credits: Maha Salman)

I was pretty happy with the way these hoodies turned out but if I were to change something for next time, I would spend some more time finding a better kind of material for a hoodie. The drawstrings for the hoodies were also light blue which didn’t match the rest of the hoodie so this is something else I would change as well. Both of these were out of my control and had to do with the company we got them made at and it doesn’t bother me too much.

In terms of the learning outcomes, undertaking this involved:

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. I had never used Photoshop before this but I knew I really wanted to design the senior hoodies so this is something I had to learn. It is a very useful skill to have and I am happy with how far I have come from not being able to insert a picture onto Photoshop to being able to design clothing.
  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience. I decided to do this on my own because I genuinely wanted to get senior hoodies so I got it done.

It really brings about a sense of unity to see everyone in matching blue and red, sitting through mocks, walking through hallways, or just making our way through the IB together.

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